
Service Ministries

Service ministries at Friedberg include many of the “behind the scenes” organizations that help keep Friedberg running.

Multimedia Team

The Multimedia Team includes the sound team and the video team. The are responsible for operating the sound and video equipment during worship services as well as cameras for the live stream.


The Ushers assist the congregation during worship by handing out bulletins, providing assistance for disabled attendees, helping with seating, and answering general questions.

Communication Team

The Communication Team help to facilitate the communication of events and announcements to the congregation and the wider community. They create graphics and videos for worship presentations, handle the church’s social media accounts, manage the church website, provide creative and multimedia services for internal ministries, and act as stewards for the church’s brand.


Dieners are the men and women that serve during lovefeasts. They carry the coffee and buns, and during the Christmas Eve lovefeast, they pass out candles.
