Celebrating 250 Years

This Week in Friedberg History: March

Spring of 1754 the community gardens were started in Bethabara and are now the oldest community gardens in the United States.

On March 12, 1769 the new meeting house was consecrated by Rev. Richard Utley. The first lovefeast was served to those who wished to become members of the congregation, Rev. Richard Utley preached publicly and two children, Joseph Frey and Johannes Walk, were baptized. These were the first baptized at what later became Friedberg. March 11/12 date was celebrated as the Congregation Anniversary until 1828.

March 24, 1773, a cyclone blew off one side of the roof of the School-House, and yet the children in the school were kept safe beneath the shadow of His wings. It was recorded that Brother Bachhoff, with the storm approaching, gathered the children together and began leading them in singing hymns thus keeping them calm as the roof was torn from the school building. Many have said that even an hour after the storm there were hail- stones seen as large as hen’s eggs. March 24, 1776, was another important date to remember in Friedberg history. During the Children’s Hour a Corporal arrived and ordered our men to meet at a given Muster place tomorrow. They resolved that tomorrow Adam Spach and John Muller should go thither, and in the name of all present the Certificate given by Captain Macay. ( The Certificate allowed the Friedberg men to be exempt from the military Muster.)

March 31, 1861 was Easter Sunday and the service started in the graveyard and then progressed to the church. There was such a large turnout that only half the congregation could come inside the church. Rev. Rights writes, “Several respectable strangers had come from a distance. Had not been that large crowd in many years, if ever.”
